Upcoming Event: Bring a Friend

Parsons Toastmasters' International Speech Contest

Congratulations to Kim Acedo on winning the Parsons International Speech Contest today!  She will represent our club at the Area B2-B3-B4 Contest on March 2nd at Kaiser Permanente (393 E. Walnut Street, Rm. 1D).  Cost is $7 and breakfast/registration begins at 8:00 am with contest scheduled to begin at 9:00 am.  It would be great if as many of us as possible could be there to lend Kim our support.  Congratulations also to our second place contestant, Charlene Love! 

International Speech Contest Contestants:
Tina Lenert – Her speech entitled “Fairy Dust” was about special moments and friends in our lives, and how we all have something important to share with each other. She gave an example of her friend Joanie who encouraged Tina to join Toastmasters.

Kim Acedo – Her speech entitled “Would You Sell Your Dog” was about how belief is so important.  She gave an example of Sylvester Stallone who believed in himself and eventually became successful, even though he had to sell his dog (but was able to buy the dog back).

Charlene Love – Her speech entitled “Pick up the Pieces” gave a personal story of how she overcame adversity and gained a sense of self-worth.  She used a jigsaw puzzle as a metaphor for how she “picked up the pieces” and got her life back on track.

(Tina left, Kim middle & Charlene right)

Welcome to Kim Acedo

Congratulations to Parsons Toastmasters' Newest Member Kim Acedo (seen here with VP of Membership, Rose Abbott). Kim is a veteran toastmaster who recently joined club 2151. We are excited to have Kim who offers advance speaking skills and a positive and supportive attitude outlook. Welcome to Kim and we look forward to your participation.

New Toastmaster Member Steve Feng

Congratulations to Parsons Toastmasters' Newest Member Steve Feng (seen here with VP of Membership, Rose Abbott). Steve has already started working through his competent leader manual by taking on various roles during club meetings. We look forward to hearing his "Ice Breaker" speech.