#flashback friday - 2010 Founders Film Award Winning Video

Carolin von Petzholdtof, past Parsons Toastmasters Club president, won first place in the Founder's District Film Award, which celebrates Toastmasters International's 85th Anniversary. 

Kinetic Is the Only Way to Describe It

Kinetic” (kə-ˈne-tik def: active or lively; dynamic or energizing) was the word of the day and perfectly describes our meeting! VP of Public Relations Krystal Rose, CC, CL and crew (Sonja Sophie, Lesli Suhy and Vernon Budinger) filmed a public service announcement (PSA) before, during and after our meeting. The PSA will be entered into Toastmasters District PR Contest. VPM Kristin Blomstrom welcomed a group of 17 high school speech & debate club to our meeting; a few students had the opportunity to speak and one student won the table topics - kudos to Kristin on the community outreach. Sterling Wainscott gave CC Speech #2 titled “Glimpse of an Underground Mine” with much energy, good use of vivid language, and movement. Kim Acedo gave an informative Advanced Speech Project #1 from “Communicating on Video” manual titled “Sitting, Standing, or Walking: What’s the Best Way to Work?” the audience was energized and was compelled to stand-up at the end of her speech! Five Table Topic questions centered on our theme “Spring Flowers” and gave our members and guest a chance to practice impromptu speaking. Awards went to: Best speaker - Sterling Wainscott, Best Evaluator – Krystal Rose and Best Table Topics to a guest student. If you missed it, you missed out. See you at next week's meeting. 

Are You In the Know?

Have you had a chance to read the February newsletter yet? It provides great insight for your skill and personal development, what's happening around the club and introduces new members. The March issue will be published shortly, so catch up on what is going on with your club. 
(click on image to download pdf of newsletter)

If you would like to contribute to the upcoming newsletters please contact Krystal, Public Relations officer. 

This weeks theme was the #Olympics-- Check out the highlights

Michelle Bender, ACB, ALB was our Toastmaster who introduced the theme “Olympics” using the athletes as an example of people who achieve their goal by being focused, persistent and working hard. Sonja Sophie Loeffler led Table Topics and our guest Richard Chamberlin won Best Table Topics speaker. Our General Evaluator Mary Marasco led our evaluation team who gave us valuable feedback on time use, filler words (“so” was the top filler word of the day) and grammar use. Best Evaluator went to Shannon O’Connell, CC, CL and best speaker went to Rose Abbott CC, ALB who presented an Advanced Speech from the Special Occasion Speech Series - Project 1 “Mastering the Toast” the toast was given in honor of Parsons Toastmasters Club 40 Year Anniversary. 

7 Tips to Calm Your Public Speaking Nerves

If you’re afraid to speak up, you may miss out on opportunities. The key is to use that energy – the racing heart, sweaty, palms, elevated heart rate – to your advantage. Use it to research your topic and your audience. Use it to craft your content. Use it to practice.
When you feel less nervous and more confident about public speaking, you can take advantage of opportunities (instead of miss out on them) and make a bigger.

7 Tips to Calm Your Public Speaking Nerves
  1. Breathe. Inhale and an exhale before you speak. (Or smell the roses and blow out the candle.) Pause every now and then during a speech or conversation and do the same. You’ll decrease your “ums” and “ahs”, stay grounded and present, and your audience gets a chance to absorb what you’ve told them.
  2. Straighten your posture. Boost confidence and energy with a quick posture exercise. Stand with your feet flat, shoulders relaxed and back, chest open, chin parallel to the floor. You’ll appear and feel taller and more confident.
  3. Get support. Join Toastmasters, hire a coach, gather a group of like-minded colleagues.
  4. Practice. Practice is the key to success as a speaker. Again Toastmasters can help. Also, attend networking events, take on leadership roles and practice at home.
  5. Know your purpose. Why do you want to speak? A strong purpose will allow you to put that nervous energy to good use.
  6. Focus on your audience. Know your audience and their needs to craft a message that helps them. Remember, public speaking isn’t about you. It’s about meeting audience needs.
  7. Know your content. Pick a topic you have an interest in or knowledge about, do your research and practice, practice, practice.
Tips developed by Stacy Shipman

Meeting Recap, Lance Miller and A New "Roles" Sign-Up System

We had a great meeting yesterday. Our area Governor Naga Net installed our Club Officers; Bill Harmon gave two educational presentations focused on how to achieve your education goals and how to better perform Toastmasters roles. Kim Acedo conduced a round robin evaluation session and Shannon O’Connell our Toastmaster kept the meeting flowing smoothly. Special kudos goes out to Kristin Blomstrom who researched our theme “Servant Leadership” and came up with though provoking questions.

Our club was well represented last night with 7 members in attendance at the Division B meeting where TM world champion public speaker Lance Miller presented a motivating speech focused on leadership.

We worked out the bugs with our new on-line role sign-up sheet (thanks for helping out Krystal) click on the link here to sign-up for roles open in February, March and April. 

2013 World Public Speaking Champion PRESIYAN VASILEV

The title of 2013 World Champion of Public Speaking was awarded to Presiyan Vasilev (pictured center) of Chicago, Illinois, District 30, for his speech "Changed by a Tire." Second- and third-place winners were, respectively, Kingi Biddle (pictured right) of Rotorua, New Zealand, District 72, for his speech "The Sitting Place" and Shurooq AlBanna (pictured left) of Dubai, UAE, District 20, for her speech"Finding the Pearl."

View Presiyan Vasilev's award winning speech (below). I love that it starts out with humor and ends on an inspirational note.

Parsons Toastmasters Club Agenda and Highlights for Tomorrows Meeting: Feb, 4 2014

Attached is the Parsons Toastmasters Club 2151 Agenda for our meeting tomorrow. Below are a few highlights for tomorrow’s meeting

·         Our 2014 Club Officers will be installed by our Area B2 Governor Naga Net
·         Our theme is Servant Leadership
·         Bill Harmon will give two Toastmasters educational series presentations to our club
·         Get ready to be called upon to give a Table Topics speech
·         Kim Acedo will conduct a round table evaluation session where 3-4 club members will give evaluations of the educational presentations.

I’ll see you all tomorrow and don’t forget to bring your CL book to the meeting get and evaluation and sign off for your role.