Tip:Keep Your Audience Engaged By Sharing the Stage

Audiences can find monologues boring. They're less willing to sit for an hour while a single speaker drones on. The key to getting and holding their attention is having new things continually happen. You can keep your presentation lively by doing two things:
  • Bring in other presenters. You can invite insight from other experts and have them join you on stage or by video (but remember, it is your presentation so don't let the other presenter steal the spot light). You can also look for your audience members to participate by having them ask or answer questions. Bring them up to the stage or have them stand to speak.  
  • Be Visually Appealing. Alternate between slides and other media (but not so much to where the audience is confused or overwhelmed). Hang posters and exhibits on the wall (but not too many to where they are distracting). Use video to inject humor, boost credibility through testimonials, or clarify concepts with animated infographics.
Tip was adapted from the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations.