HBR Tip: Brush Up on Your Grammar

People may view your language as a reflection of your competence. If you make a lot of writing mistakes or have grammatical errors when speaking, you may come across as uneducated or lazy. Since practicing grammar, as we once did in grade school, is not part of our daily routine, take it upon yourself to brush up on the rules once in a while. Consult guides on grammar and usage, such as Strunk and White's Elements of Style. Ask knowledgeable colleagues to proofread your material and to explain their corrections. Pay attention to what talented writers inside and outside the organization do. Read first-rate nonfiction, which will help you cultivate an appreciation of the skills you're trying to acquire. Check out what the Harvard Business Review wrote for ways to improve your grammar. No time to read? Try listening to podcast and audio books. I recommend the Grammar Girl podcast.  

Source: HBR