A Toastmaster’s Journey

A Toastmaster’s journey
Is like a flight
Into the air and
Into the light

Where you’ll end up
Only you will know…
It’s a mystery to learn
How far you can go

At first we are like
a bumbling bee..
but then we practice
and begin to see

Our progress we make
At each meeting we learn
And become more confident
At each new turn

We make a few blunders
Here and there
We’re not afraid to show
that we care

We gain our confidence
And then…
We come back for more
Again and again

Who is to say
What we can do
Only you will know
What’s inside of you

Let’s not be afraid
To try something new
For we can soar high
Into the blue

Keep up your journey
Into the light
Spread your wings like a bird
Upon a free flight

You’ll soar on the wind
And up far and high
Into the clouds
With the sun and the sky

Like a bird who learns
To enjoy the flight
Your journey with Toastmasters
Can bring YOU to new heights!

~Writen and Read by Michelle Bender at the October 22nd meeting