Kinetic Is the Only Way to Describe It

Kinetic” (kə-ˈne-tik def: active or lively; dynamic or energizing) was the word of the day and perfectly describes our meeting! VP of Public Relations Krystal Rose, CC, CL and crew (Sonja Sophie, Lesli Suhy and Vernon Budinger) filmed a public service announcement (PSA) before, during and after our meeting. The PSA will be entered into Toastmasters District PR Contest. VPM Kristin Blomstrom welcomed a group of 17 high school speech & debate club to our meeting; a few students had the opportunity to speak and one student won the table topics - kudos to Kristin on the community outreach. Sterling Wainscott gave CC Speech #2 titled “Glimpse of an Underground Mine” with much energy, good use of vivid language, and movement. Kim Acedo gave an informative Advanced Speech Project #1 from “Communicating on Video” manual titled “Sitting, Standing, or Walking: What’s the Best Way to Work?” the audience was energized and was compelled to stand-up at the end of her speech! Five Table Topic questions centered on our theme “Spring Flowers” and gave our members and guest a chance to practice impromptu speaking. Awards went to: Best speaker - Sterling Wainscott, Best Evaluator – Krystal Rose and Best Table Topics to a guest student. If you missed it, you missed out. See you at next week's meeting.